Greetings to all readers, in my article i'm gladly trying to present this new generation financial ecosystem called Neluns and i will ...


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Greetings to all readers, in my article i'm gladly trying to present this new generation financial ecosystem called Neluns and i will appreciate your time devoted to get along.
Neluns another money related biological community which utilizes a creative innovation permitting to work with digital currency and fiat, will begin its ICO in the most recent long periods of July 2018. The group of Neluns will make ideal conditions for the development of the cryptographic money advertise. The Neluns is partitioned into 3 components: a Bank, an Insurance Company and a Cryptocurrency Exchange. Every component is intelligent to both fiat and cryptographic money. NLS Company gives better conditions and lower dangers to the clients. 
The Neluns Company gives an expansive scope of advantages to their clients. All components of the framework are made to boost the solace of utilizing Cryptocurrency and fiat in regular daily existence. The Neluns biological system is made out of three primary components which are depicted underneath: 
Neluns Bank consent to every budgetary control administering managing an account exercises while giving clients all saving money benefits in both fiat and digital currency. 
Neluns Exchange is represented by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission permit, an inventive trade process which is quick and secure for cryptographic money exchanges. 
Trademark Features of Neluns
Neluns users benefit the following under the ecosystem
  • Innovative technologies ensure a hassle-free and quick trading of cryptocurrencies despite the peak loads.
  • Under the protection of the “Bank Guarantee” principle users can actively participate in trading of cryptocurrencies. “Bank Guarantee” principle in conjunction with leading technologies allows you to easy withdraw your funds. It also provides a high level of protection from cyber-attacks and creates perfect conditions for cryptocurrency traders and fiat funds. Users can make withdrawals from around the globe under the guard of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
  • Users get access to four types of debit or credit cards. These are: Lite, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
  • Users can access loans in fiat or cryptocurrency in the Neluns banking system.
  • Gain profits while lending funds on a P2P (peer-2-peer) Lending platform. The lending platform will function at the base of Neluns Bank and authorized users will be able to use this service.
  • Active users get higher protection and other additional benefits.
  • Users can receive profits from trading NLS tokens and dividends from all insured trades.
  • Users get a chance to open a private or corporate multicurrency IBAN account.
  • Besides, making purchases, sending payments, trading cryptocurrencies and fund withdrawals are available from any ATM around the globe 24 hours 7 days a week. All users are able to carry out transactions in USD, EUR, GBR as well as cryptocurrencies. 
  • A bank card will automatically accompany the multicurrency IBAN account.
  •  - The solace of the client is principal to the group and to enhance clients' involvement, four kinds of programming items have been produced. A 24-hour client benefit support will be accessible to answer questions and rapidly fathom every one of clients' issues. A portable application for iOS and Android gadgets has been produced to make keeping money and trade tasks simple and accessible all day and all night.
nelunsThe Neluns group intends to limit dangers and complete the task as per every single legitimate standard. We are taking a shot at securing a bank permit. The Neluns Bank will cling to all budgetary administrative necessities, which permitting and supervisory exercises over banks. The Neluns trade and insurance agency will likewise be enrolled as per every administrative necessity. The Neluns Exchange will convey CFTC (U.S Commodity Futures Trading Commission) and SEC (U.S Securities and Exchange Commission) licenses.
About the Initial Coin Offering
The NLS token is made as per the ERC-20 standard, it is a security token, and will give its holders half profits in view of the Neluns environment (Neluns Bank, Neluns Exchange, Neluns Insurance) benefits.
Profits will be disseminated quarterly as per the quantity of tokens one holds contrasted with the aggregate.
Beside this NLS token holders will approach rewards and benefits when utilizing Neluns environment items. The more tokens one holds, the more prominent are his benefits.
Amid the ICO, 200 000 NLS tokens will be discharged
Base cost of 1 NLS token = 1 USD
As per the law, in 15 days from the beginning of the main stage (round) of ICO, the Neluns group will send an official notice (Form D) reporting the beginning of the ICO to the SEC (U.S Securities and Exchange Commission).

ICO stages 
Hard Cap – $2.000.000
Delicate Cap – $500.000
1 arrange (round), pre-deal, organize (round) length 14 days, from 08-01-2018 to 08-15-2018.
reward 30%
additional reward 40% venture of in excess of 1 ETH in one exchange
additional reward half venture of in excess of 10 ETH in one exchange
Hard Cap – $10.000.000
Delicate Cap – $2.000.000
2 arrange (round), pre-ICO, organize (round) length 21 days, from 08-15-2018 to 09-05-2018.
reward 20%
additional reward 30% venture of in excess of 1 ETH in one exchange
additional reward 35% speculation of in excess of 10 ETH in one exchange
Hard Cap – $112.000.000
Delicate Cap – $10.000.000
3 organize (round), ICO, arrange (round) length 31 days, from 09-05-2018 to 10-05-2018
reward 10%
additional reward 20% venture of in excess of 1 ETH in one exchange
additional reward 25% speculation of in excess of 10 ETH in one exchange


For more detailed information, visit:

 White Paper:

Author : Vaniayoanda
Eth : 0xB85d087c31072ecb5D52AE1b2cBFEa1A2bd65270